Friday, January 4, 2013

My introduction in 3 Words

Hello, my name is Donghoon Lee. Today, I will introduce me with three words!

1. movie
My hobby is to make movies. For this year at talent show, I made a movie called Dark Shadows. I really enjoy making movies. I was a Director, Actor, and the Editor. I really am good at EDITING. I use professional program that costs a lot. here is the link to my movie.

You need sounds to enjoy this music!

2. Mr. Bean
My nickname is Mr. Bean back in my home town in Seoul. I did Mr. Bean acting for 3 years for my classmates. Also, when I was in 5th grade, I thought about being an actor when I grow up. If you want to you can call me Mr. Bean. :P

3. Apple
I really like this company. This is actually my dream. I would like to work in Apple when I grow up. I really enjoying watching Apple Keynotes. I use iPod, iPhone, iPad, and MacBook air ;D

IF YOU Wan to check out my photos,


  1. I was surprise that you can make a such a wonderful movie. Is your dream is to become a movie director?? Any way nice work^^

  2. Hi Donghoon,

    This is a very interesting post. You are very talented and a good writer. Keep up the great work!

  3. Hi!
    It is great that you are talented at making movies. I believe that you will be able to work for Apple in the future. Keep writing great posts in your blog~

    -Yongwook, Oh (Writing TA)
